Counseling Overview
The W.D. Robbins Elementary School counseling program is a comprehensive program that strives to address the needs of the students, faculty and parents. The mission of the Mobile County Public School System's counseling and guidance program is to maximize the potential of every student by promoting and enhancing the learning process through the integration of academic, career, and personal/social development. Students are provided equal access to counseling services which are provided by collaborative partnerships with parents, teachers, students, and community services. I will strive to empower students to become life-long learners equipped to successfully enter society as productive citizens.
The mission of the Robbins Elementary School Counseling Program is to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment where all students have access and equitable opportunity to participate in a comprehensive counseling program that strives to produce academically successful, socially competent, responsible individuals in society. The Professional School Counselor of Robbins Elementary School is a leader and advocate who will collaborate productive relationships between students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community stakeholders to promote a holistic educational environment for the success of all students.
The vision of Robbins Elementary School Counseling Program is that students are successful in a global society while reaching their full academic, career, and social/emotional potential as 21st century citizens. Our students are productive citizens of society who are responsible, motivated, and leaders in a ever-changing world.

The counseling schedule is composed of a weekly schedule. I meet with Kindergarten through 5th grade on a weekly basis.
Character Program
Each month we will have a Character Education "Word of the Month." Students who demonstrate the character trait of the month will be selected by their teacher to have their picture placed on the Character bulletin board and these students will receive a Jason's Deli Pickle reward Card for a free kid's meal. Students who exhibit the six pillars of character can sign the Character Log in the office. These students will have their names read over the intercom during morning announcements.
Individual and Small Group Counseling Sessions
Students can be referred for individual and small group counseling sessions by the teacher or parent. Small groups typically last between 4 - 6 sessions. Some of the groups may be scheduled to meet during lunch to minimize loss of